Live right for your energy type!

Who are you? How well are you? What vibe do you give off? What colour is your aura?


 Find out more about the Energy Wellness Services & Treatments

Reiki & chakra balancing


Aura and Chakra Reading

Aura and Chakra Reading

Energy Personality Insights

Energy Personality Insights

Energy Wellness Treatments will recharge your energy batteries and can specifically help with:
stress, anxiety, depression, pain, fatigue, grief, sleep disorders, self-esteem, self identity, addictions, trauma, muscle damage repair, menopausal issues, hormonal problems, weak immune systems.

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Energy Wellness
allows us to maintain a healthy self on 7 levels:
physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, environmental, occupational.

“How do Energy Wellness Treatments help me?’’

Energy Wellness Treatments focus on gaining insights into your chakras (energy centres) and auras (energy bodies) to determine your energy personality. 

This allows you to make appropriate adjustments to live your most meaningful, balanced, healthiest, happiest life.

Reiki treatments channel natural universal life energy to allow you to stimulate self ‘healing’.

Reiki helps unblock your meridians (energy channels) and re-balance your chakras to restore the glow of your aura!


Can you prove that Reiki and Energy Wellness Treatments work?

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The positive effects of Reiki will become very apparent! Trust in the process.

For additional ‘proof’, I offer the latest biofeedback aura & chakra reading camera technology which will show energy areas that need attention. We can explore your energy personality too. The results of which will enable you to make appropriate adjustments to different wellness dimensions to live your life in the most meaningful way. You will be emailed the results for future reference.

 Your overall health is not just about the food you eat and the exercise you take, it is about the people you surround yourself with and, most importantly, the way you talk to yourself.

Energy starts thoughts that create feelings that create physical responses that create (dis)ease.

What is the scientific evidence?

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Einstein and later quantum physicists have explained that at an atomic level everything that exists in the universe is energy, vibrating and oscillating at different rates, and that physical matter and energy are just two forms of the same thing. The human body, and the energy field which surrounds and interpenetrates it, is also made up of electromagnetic energy.

Every person has a unique vibrational energy signature, or frequency, in the same way as we all have unique fingerprints or DNA. Fundamentally, the majority of our atoms are energy.

We get our energy levels right, we get it all right.

Free flowing and balanced energy means healthier, happier selves.